The trials and tribulations of a boating dog

Monday, 16 September 2013

The River Soar and the Leicester Line

Oh boy have I been having fun :-) 

On our first day back on the boat we were moored up by a lock when another boat came along and moored in front of us.  I’m always interested to see if there is a dog on board but was a bit taken aback when off hopped another apricot cockapoo!  Banjo is a bit smaller than me and a lot older but he is still good fun. Ma and Pa seemed to get on well with Banjo’s M & P who are Diane and Ray so we have been cruising together ever since.

Me writing my blog
Banjo is really cool as he came from Australia on an airplane – ALL BY HIMSELF!  I’m sure I would have squeaked all the way but he said he just slept though he did get very lonely.  Since arriving in England he has lived on NB Ferndale (otherwise known as the Biscuit Boat - but more of that later!)

We went to Leicester but Ma was poorly so we didn’t go exploring much but Pa and I enjoyed the park where we were moored.  Next stop was a place called Kilby Bridge where we met up with more friends.  Fiona and John know Ma and Pa from before they got me.  I like Fiona as she reads my blog and even gave me a link in her famous blog which hundreds of people read – FAME at last :-)  She called me a “teenage blogging dog”.  It’s only polite to reciprocate Ma says (not sure what that means and Ma has done it for me as I’m not that clever) but here is Fiona’s blog NB Epiphany. 
RIP Bear
We were also caught up by Mike on NB Isobel and he cruised with us for a few days. 

Pa wasn’t well (he had caught Ma’s bug) but Ma decided to go it alone and go on.  Ray and I did the locks while Ma and Diane steered the boats – she managed very well occasionally jumping off and the bottom of the lock and running up the steps!  Pa felt a bit better in the afternoon so he steered and Ma helped Ray and I with the locks.

Ma bought me a raincoat
I thought we were never going to stop that day but suddenly we found a lovely mooring spot, tied up and waited for Ferndale and Isobel to join us.  The humans had a BBQ but they wouldn’t let me join in but, to be honest, I was so exhausted that I nodded off whilst watching the cooking.  Banjo was pretty knackered too.

So why the Biscuit Boat I hear you ask.  Well Ray is a really nice man and he was giving me biscuits – lots of biscuits (doggy ones of course).  I would much rather be on their boat than Mary H as there are only biscuits at bedtime on here.  Trouble is that I don’t always want my dinner which worries Ma and do you know what - she has asked Ray not to give me any more – spoil sport.
Just posing
Another good game is to go onto Ferndale and nip down below and see if Banjo’s food has been left on the floor – it’s much more interesting than mine.  But Diane and Ray have got wise to my fun and have either been lifting the food off the floor or shutting the doors. 

Banjo and I have been playing – well up to a point.  He is a bit like Niamhy – old and a bit boring.  We do have some games but he soon lets me know when he has had enough.

Me and Banjo on Ferndale
Banjo fell in the canal the other day.  Silly dog tried to jump back on Ferndale from the towpath as she went passed and missed – you would have thought at 12 he would know better. 

We did two flights of locks where I wasn’t allowed off the boat which I thought was a bit mean – the lock keeper said I could get off on my lead but where is the fun in that.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

River Soar

Oooo I likes rivers!  There is something about this river which is really nice.  It doesn’t seem to be too busy and the locks are fun – you can get 2 boats in them so quite often there were other people around too.

Our first night appeared to be in the middle of nowhere and I was allowed to run around until Ma and Pa realised that I was eating cow poo so they tied me up – spoilsports!  Our next night was good too as Ma and Pa took me for a very long walk and I managed to find more cow poo to eat J

A Lassapoo
I found two new friends. One was a Lassapoo who Ma thought was beautiful – I sulked for ages after that.  The next was another Cockapoo and she was well nice but we were both on our leads in a pub garden so we weren’t able to play very well.
Izzy the Cockapoo
Pa hired a car and we went to see Niamhy which was fun – she still won’t really play with me though but we did think up a game where she stands in the middle of the garden and barks and I run round and round her!  BUT Ma and Pa went off and left me with AP and UJ which I thought was a bit much.  They are very nice people but I did miss Ma and Pa.  However UJ saved the day as he left my bag of goodies on the floor and I was able to eat all the food that Ma had packed for me (including the plastic dishes) and 4 Dentistix – I have to say I did feel a bit sick after that.

When Ma and Pa came back we went for a lovely walk on Exmouth beach.  Niamhy came too and really seemed to enjoy herself.  I had great fun and made lots of new friends and even went into the sea up to my tummy.  Ma and Pa were really pleased with me as every time they called me I went back to them – I was a bit worried that I might get left on the beach but I didn’t tell them that.
Do you think my legs look a bit
short in this photo??
I did get into trouble at AP’s though as I cocked my leg and peed in their bedroom and the living room.  I knew I shouldn’t be doing it but I thought if I was really naughty AP and UJ wouldn’t want me to stay again.  I’m really sorry AP – Ma has told me off and I won’t do it again.

Then it was back to the boat – yippee!

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Trent & Mersey Canal

Now this is my sort of canal with quite a few locks spread out so I can have a doze between them before supervising Ma’s operation of the locks.

However I fell in again.  Ma was steering and Pa was walking with me but I really wanted to be on the boat with Ma and decided to jump aboard but somehow I misjudged the distance between the bank and the boat and plopped into the canal.  I was determined to get to the boat and swam like mad after it but realised that my little legs couldn’t doggy paddle fast enough so gave up and let myself be fished out of the water by Pa.  I don’t know how I managed to miss the boat - maybe I need specs, who knows.

We spent three days doing a lot of cruising which was really boring – thank goodness there were a few locks.

Me posing
One day we went to the pub and met Fred and Lisa who I had met before.  The four of them were drinking and chatting but didn’t seem to realise that my dinner time had been and gone!!  It’s a wonder they couldn’t hear my tummy rumbling.  Then they got some food – for THEMSELVES L  It was about 9pm when we got back to the boat for my dinner – I have never eaten so fast in my life!
Next stop was a water park where there was a “doggie dipping” area but I wasn’t allowed to even put my paw in as it was really dirty.  However it was a lovely place to explore and I almost lost Ma and Pa as I ran off with another dog and when I turned round they weren’t there.  I ran back down the towpath but still no sign of them – then I remembered that they were sitting looking over the water park so I ran through the undergrowth and found them – phew!!

I then had a boring few days as we didn’t move on and Ma disappeared for a day – she came back though J  However Ma had some nice lady visitors who made a big fuss of me and Val brought me some doggie biscuits – you can come again Val J

We left the Trent and Mersey Canal and went out onto the River Trent – that was fun as we sped along with the tide under us – well that’s how it seemed but all too soon we were on the River Soar – but more of that later.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Macclesfield Canal

Most of this canal has been very boring as there weren’t many locks and you know how much I like locks.

I got into mega trouble the other day as I chased a bird and actually caught it in the long grass.  I was so proud of myself but when I took it back to Pa he was cross and said that I had killed it L  My Mum was a gun dog and she told me how to take birds back and said that they were always dead but she omitted to tell me that they had been shot and were already dead.  Well you live and learn.

I've got a new toy
 We went into Macclesfield – yet another dull and dreary town – to have a look round.  Oh how I hate towns but there was a good side to this one as we found a market stall selling pet stuff and Ma bought me two nice chewy bones.

We have finally done some more locks and I had great fun – Ma was in a good mood which made it even better.  I was exhausted by the time we got to the bottom – I’m obviously out of practice!

Ma kept on disappearing on a train, she came back again but never with anything for me.  She said that one time she had to go and get some glasses to replace the others I chewed when we were at home.
Just chillin'
Ma and Pa took me to a river and tried to make me swim again – why don’t they just give up???  They spent ages finding sticks and throwing them in the water – if I could get them without going out of my depth then I brought them back but I’m not that stupid to see that sometimes they seem to throw them just that little bit further.

So another canal ticked off in my little book.  The next one is the Trent and Mersey.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Peak Forest Canal

Yet another canal – however they all look the same to me.

We moved up to Bugsworth Basin which seemed very nice – we moored in a very quiet place and I was able to get on and off the boat as I pleased.  We went for a walk on our first night there and guess what?  I fell in the canal again!  This time I just wasn’t watching what I was doing – I was chasing a crisp bag and somehow missed my footing.  Of course no-one noticed that I was thrashing around in the water for some time then M & P noticed I was missing, turned round and Pa rushed back and pulled me out.  I have to admit that I was rather unimpressed with myself :-(  However I did make a new friend – Teddy.  He is a mini-me and is 4 months old, we had a great time and I wanted to play for longer but of course the humans didn’t! 
Me and Mini-Me

Pa hired a car and we all went off exploring.  At one place we went down a lot of steps into a dark and cold place which I now know was a mine.  We went on a boat which I didn’t really like as it was a bit scary but I sat on Pa’s lap wrapped in a towel which did make it a bit better.  Otherwise the day was very boring – in and out of the car and nowhere to have a good run.
Me after falling in
The next day M & P decided we would drive home – the roads were very twisty and I’m sorry to say that I was sick – I don’t mind motorways and nice straight roads but I hate the windy ones.

Me and Yoyo playing
It was quite nice to be at home again as I saw Aunty Vix and Yoyo (Millie is still a stuck up wotsit and won’t play).  I don’t get enough attention while I am at home so I had another go and pinching things and running around with them – I didn’t think much to the apricot I took from the kitchen table though!  I did get into trouble for stealing Ma’s glasses though – apparently she has got to have new ones – don’t know what’s wrong with a pair with a twisted arm and only one lens though!
Yoyo does get tired quickly
Our trip home was only a short one and we were soon heading back to Mary H.  I just love being on the boat as there is always something to look at and I get lots of walks 

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Home is boring

I’ve come to the conclusion that I would much rather be on the boat than at home.  Somehow I seem to get overlooked at home :-) Pa always takes me out for a walk in the mornings but after that everyone seems to be so busy.  One day Ma went out then Pa went out, leaving me of course, then Ma came home and went out again.  Then they had the nerve to go out again in the evening – it’s not on really.

Still the good parts were that I got to see Aunty Vix again and of course Yoyo and Millie.  Mille has become rather brave and isn’t running away from me so much – hmm I think I need to work on my scaring skills a bit more.  Yoyo, of course, just wants to play and we had some good games in the garden.
Granny and Uncle Richard came to stay for a few days – silly Uncle Richard will leave things lying around the place then gets upset when I pick them up and expect a game of chase.

One day Ma and Pa had a big barbecue.  No one was really taking much notice of me and I discovered that if I got underneath the barbecue I could eat all the fat from their food as it dripped onto the ground – yummy!  Only trouble was it made me smell horribly of burgers L  One of the visitors doesn’t understand puppies as she left her plate on the sofa and went to get a bread roll – that chicken joint was just too tempting and I whipped it before anyone noticed.  Sadly it was noticed that I was chewing something that looked like a chicken leg and it was taken from me.  The lady then realised that she was missing a chicken leg – hehehe!
A new toy
It was very hot at home and I really didn’t know where to lie.  Aunty Vix got out a paddling pool – I don’t mind getting my feet wet but they kept on thinking that I should like down in the water – WHAT!

Trying to drink out of the fish pond
I had a trip to AS and now sport a posh new haircut – it does make things cooler thank goodness.  Apparently I still smell of burgers though.

The ten days did seem to go quite quickly though but now we are on our way back to the boat – the only trouble is that it’s still VERY hot.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Huddersfield Narrow Canal

As you can see from the title of this entry I am now really up on canal names.  It would appear that we are going to be away this time for about 6 weeks and will be doing a lot of canals.

The boat was really hot when we got back to it and it was even worse the next day as Pa disappeared off and left Ma and I to fry on the boat.  Pa came back with visitors – Niamhy along with Aunty Penny and Uncle Jim.  I love having visitors but AP and Niamh disappeared off again but left Uncle Jim. 

Help I'm stuck!
We then spent two days going through lots of locks most of which I was allowed to help at.  Thankfully the weather got cooler otherwise I don’t think I could have taken the pace.  I got chance to play with a few other dogs but more often than not I was quickly caught and put on my lead as soon as another dog was in sight – why can they always see other dogs before me??

Naimhy joined us again – I do love her but she will snarl at me and I get the feeling that she doesn’t really love me L  Oh of course Aunty Penny came too!

The revs looks about right to me
We had to go through a very long tunnel and I have never been so frightened in my life.  I wasn’t allowed on the back deck with Pa – I had to sit at the front with Ma.  It was very dark, noisy and cold and I whined until Ma realised that I wasn’t happy.  She got a towel and wrapped me up and cuddled me until I felt better.  The tunnel was 3 miles long and it took an hour and a half to go through – I thought it would never end but suddenly there was daylight again – phew!

Is it safe to get off?
I fell in the canal today – I guess it was my own fault as I tried to jump from the bank onto the boat and missed!  However I almost made it but not quite and hit my face on the side of the boat before crashing into the water.  I swam to the side (yes I actually swam) and Pa pulled me out.  I didn’t make a big fuss as, I have to admit, I was rather ashamed of myself.  There were no warm towels and sympathy for me – great parents I have eh? 

Thursday, 25 July 2013

More time on the canals

Gosh where did the last four weeks go to?! One minute I was writing my blog saying that we were going back to the boat and now we are home again. 

We have all got into a good routine aboard Mary H.  I sleep at the bottom of Ma and Pa's bed and can now read the clock and know that 7.30 am is time to get up.  Some mornings my tummy seems to be rumbling a bit too early but I always get told to get back in my bed :-(  My breakfast is the first thing on the agenda - at least they have got that right! We then all go back to bed with tea - well I don't have tea though if I can get my snout into a mug of tea I will drink it.  We are usually up and about around 8.30 am and I go out for a pee.  After breakfast Pa takes me for my constitutional as he calls it.  Meanwhile Ma gets showered and dressed and then we are off.  Most days I'm allowed to help at the locks but sometimes I'm told that I can't as it’s either too busy or there is a road nearby.  I love locks - there are usually lots of good smells and sometimes there are things to play with like a plastic bottle or a clump of reeds.
I'm now a proper boater's dog
Anyway down to what I have been up to.  We went on a very big boat lift which took us from the canal down to a river.  It was a bit scary really dropping 50 feet in the boat!  We went on a bus to a folk festival - I quite enjoyed the music even when the man banged his drum right beside me.  We moored up for three nights at Northwich where I met Izzy who is a bichon frise.  She could get out between the railings of her owners fence and we played chase up and down for ages - perhaps I need to watch my weight as I couldn’t get through the railings.

We went into Manchester - oh boy was that boring.  I had to stay on my lead all the time and we seemed to go on a lot of buses.  The best part was that Pa found some sand and I really enjoyed playing in that.  We had five nights in the rotten old city - Ma liked it but Pa and I didn't.  Coming out of Manchester there were lots of locks to do and it was pouring with rain.  I helped with the first twelve locks but started to get tired and I was very wet so I went on the boat with Pa.  I started to shiver and I heard Ma say that she is going to get me a raincoat - that should be interesting.
One of my friends
We got back out into the country and I was able to enjoy myself again - there was lots of goose poo to eat but the killjoys made me stay on the boat so all I could do was look at it longingly.

I learnt a bit more about computers. Ma was working on her iPad when I heard Aunty Vix - I ran to the door but she wasn't there so I ran back through the boat but till couldn't find her - but I could still hear her. Ma said that it was FaceTime and if I had stopped rushing around and looked at the iPad I would have seen her - honestly does Aunty Vix live in an iPad? I don't think so.
Hey this bottle is empty!
We went to Hebden Bridge which I thought looked boring but in fact was a good place as there was a park next to where we were moored and each evening Pa took me and the football and we had great fun.  We went on yet another bus - I quite like buses really as I sit on a knee and look out of the window.  While we were in Hebden Bridge Ma discovered that I hadn't got enough food to last until we got home - oh boy did I panic.  I could hear them discussing whether or not to cut my food down or go and find a pet shop - my thought transferences obviously worked as Ma went shopping :-)

Somehow I managed to fall in the canal again - well that sounds a bit dramatic really.  I slipped down between a moored boat and the bank - goodness knows how I did it but I only got wet up to my waist again, I did break my harness though.

Our last night on the boat was spent beside a very big playing field and both Ma and Pa took me noseballing.  Memo to self - check with Roy Hodgson to see if there is an opening in the England squad for me.

It's hot up here Ma
I've had a great time though it has been very hot the last few days but I daren't go down below in the cool in case I miss something up on deck!

So we are now home for ten days - I wonder if there is anything exciting planned?

Monday, 10 June 2013

Holidaying at home!

I've been told that we live on the boat in the summer and that going home is a holiday - well our two weeks at home have been a whirlwind.

Before my haircut
It started with me going to see AS to have a haircut. Ma stayed with me so that she could make sure that it was done to her satisfaction - honestly AS she really should trust you shouldn't she? I have to admit that I was getting rather dirty with my hair long but honestly it was a bit short however it does show off my legs nicely.
Honestly what a chap has to go through!
Granny's came to stay for a weekend and we seemed to go out and about a lot including my first visit into a pub for lunch - well everyone else had lunch but of course I just lay under the table like a good boy.

Uncle Bobs, Aunty Laura and Uncle James came up for a BBQ one evening - I just love the smell but nothing ever seems to come way :-(

Since stealing the onions I've discovered that pinching things and running around with them is good fun.  Everyone chases me around to try and get whatever I've got but I'm much too quick for them - its a good game though.  Ma had some really nice sandals which tasted lovely - I just don't understand what all the fuss was about when she saw them, I'm sure she didn't really need that strap.  There was talk of taking £60 out of my pocket money - didn't know I had any pocket money!

Playing with Aunty Vix and Yoyo
We have just a weekend with AP, UJ and Niamh. We went on another steam train, this time to Totnes. These steam trains don't really float my boat but Pa and UJ like them and it was a birthday treat for UJ. I met Ma's great nephews, Theo who is five and Isaac who is three. They are nice boys and didn't pull me about too much!  Theo and Isaac have a dog called Barney who didn't come own the train with us but I met him later and we had a great game of chase round the garden - he is much more flu than Niamh. 
Me and Niamh with our bones
Yesterday Ma and Pa took Niamh and I to the beach. Niamh wasn't interested at all and silly Ma and Pa took their shoes off and went into the water and tried to get me to go in too. They kept throwing the ball in expecting me to bring it back - mad or what? That water was freezing. 
Oooo that water is cold!
So here we are heading back to the boat. I'm not sure where we are going but who cares - I'm sure it will be fun.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

More on the boat

Last week Pa and UJ tried to teach me to swim.  They threw a stick into a lake and expected me to fetch it – now I really like sticks but why get wet when with a bit of encouragement I got Niamh to go and get the stick and then I pinched it from her when she got near me – not daft am I? 
If I just wait .....
Yeay - I got the stick.  Why bother to swim?
Another good place we stopped at had a big grassy area and Pa got my football out and I had a great game of noseball – I didn’t even know they had brought the ball with us.
Further down the canal we found AP’s motorhome – goodness knows what it was doing there!  I had a good nose round and it certainly was theirs – I remember peeing on one of the wheels when I saw it last.  We went for a ride in it – it was a bit like a bus but more comfy.  I settled down and went to sleep but Niamh just lay next to me hating every minute.  She really is a strange dog as she doesn’t like cars or boats – I have to say that I would rather be running around but usually I just settle down and sleep so that I’m full of energy for the next stop.
AP, UJ and Niamh went home – I missed them when they had gone as it had been great fun leaping on UJ in the mornings – his is the only bed I can get up on – and giving him a good wash.  He kept saying that he didn’t need a wash but everyone has a wash in the mornings - don’t they?  Everything was very quiet but I’m sure I will see them all again soon.
Me and Niamhy - we are friends really
We went on a bus again – this time to a miserable old town where there was nowhere to run around.  I really don’t know why they insist on going to towns – they know I don’t like them.
It was Pa’s birthday the other day and we went back to the nice grassy area which was a bonus for me.  Out came the football again and also the tennis balls – wahey!  We even had friends, Julie and Jeff, join us and I had great fun.
I've found a few friends recently - sadly though it's very unlikely that I will ever see them again.  Dennis was a Jack Russell and we had a great game on the towpath, then there was a collie at a lift bridge and we played in a ploughed field - Ma wasn't too pleased with the state of me, I have to admit I was a bit muddy!  There seemed to be a dog at each lock to play with - some nice and some not so nice. Yesterday we stopped for lunch and sat on the towpath however I got a bit bored and found something wonderful to roll in. I went to show Ma and Pa but all they did was say what's that smell, looked at me then hauled me off to the shower - why can't they understand that dogs like to be smelly!
I really didn't need a shower
So we are back in the Marina again so I guess we will be going home tomorrow. I wonder if anything has changed while I've been away.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Back on the Boat

We’ve been back on the boat for a week now and it’s been all go.  I got told off at our first lock as I was so excited to be back on the canal again and got a bit carried away – nearly falling into the bywash! 

On the second day there were lots of locks to do and I have to say that Ma is quite good at operating them and we seemed to whizz through.  There was lots of walking between them and I was exhausted by the end of the day. 

I have discovered a couple of new things on the canals too.  One is a very dark tunnel which I don’t like at all as the engine makes a strange noise.  Ma now lets me stay down below when we go through which is much better as the noise isn’t too bad.  The second is a very high bridge like thing which takes the water into the air – I am informed that it is an aqueduct but who cares?  All I know is that it is a blooming long way down to the ground and I don’t intend to jump Pa so don’t worry!

On Sunday I went on a steam train – bet you didn’t know I even knew about steam trains did you?  Pa likes these huge black lorry like things which make loud noises and have chimneys – bit like the boat really and he has told me all about them.  It was OK I suppose but a bit boring – hey I had my own ticket though J

My train ticket
In the afternoon my cousin, Niamh, arrived with Aunty Penny and Uncle Jim.  They are staying with us for a week which sounds like fun.  Pa and UJ took Niamh and I for a long walk in the afternoon – I thought it was great but Niamh is getting a bit long in the tooth now (haha – long in the tooth get it?  Read my last blog if you don’t) and she gets tired quickly.

It’s been pretty chaotic on the boat with four people and two dogs but hey it’s all good fun really especially as AP and UJ keep forgetting about the “nothing on the floor” rule and I have found all sorts to play with J

I found a new friend while I was tied up by the boat.  Beau is a 12 weeks old retriever, that’s three months younger than me but hey she is the same size, something is wrong somewhere!  We had a great scrap and I was really sad when she went home L 
Me and Beau
Niamh had to get involved!
On Monday Pa took me mountain climbing – well up a very steep hill to see a castle that had fallen down.  Was it worth it I wonder?  Niamh gave up half way and had to go home – wimp!

Wednesday I experienced another first – going in a taxi.  I didn’t think much of it as I had to sit on the floor when I really like to sit on the seat, but we didn’t go far.  We went to see a castle, well Ma, AP and UJ did, Pa and I went for a long walk as apparently dogs aren’t allowed in castles – hmm.  We did meet up for lunch though which was good as I needed a rest and a drink.


Sunday, 12 May 2013

Catch up

I can’t believe how long it is since I last posted a blog.  It’s been all go though so hopefully you will excuse me.

When we got home from boating it was Ma’s birthday – a big one apparently but I won’t let on as to which one!  Pa was taking her out for the day and I was a bit worried that I was going to be left alone all day but I was whisked away to a doggie paradise by Amber, a very nice lady who was going to look after me.  Amber has six dogs but my favourite was Willow who is the same age as me but quite a bit smaller as she is a Jack Russell.  Amber also has cats, chickens and horses.  We went for a long walk and by the time I got home I was exhausted and needed a long sleep before Ma and Pa got back.
Next excitement was Niamh coming to stay though things didn’t quite go to plan as Ma was poorly and her birthday party had to be cancelled.  Niamh was also poorly so she wasn’t much fun to have around.

I knew something was up as later the next week the suitcases came out and as I didn’t notice any of my things going in I got the impression that I was being left behind – AGAIN!  Amber came and collected on the Friday and a big deal was made of saying goodbye to me – Hm now I know why as Ma and Pa were gone for 8 days!  I stayed with Amber on Friday and Aunty Vix over the weekend.  I went to see Aunty Vix’s friend, Karen, on Saturday and disgraced myself by being sick in the car L  On Sunday Aunty Vix took me over to see Aunty Shelley and left me there for what, I thought, was going to be a hair do but in fact it was 5 days!  I had good fun though as AS has 2 dogs.  Shadow is a black Labrador and Tallulah is a terrier, there are also 2 cats one of which was very bossy and didn’t like me chasing him at all – spoilsport!  I got stuck in the gate one day and AS wondered whether she should call out the fire brigade to release me but somehow I managed to wriggle out before she found her phone to call 999!  We did quite a bit of training as AS is very good at that sort of thing and I had a hairdo.  I was so pleased to see Ma and Pa when they came to collect me though as I was beginning to think that maybe I wasn’t going home at all.

The day after we all got home Pa was planting potatoes and I decided that he could really do with some help.  I helped dig the trench and did try to put the potatoes in but it was much more fun to scatter them around the garden for Pa to hunt down.  Ma and Aunty Vix reckoned I needed a bath – can’t think why!

What makes them think I need a bath?

Two days later the suitcases came out again but I noticed that my things were being packed too so was a bit more hopeful this time.  Ma’s friends Maggie and Richard came and we all bundled into their car.  I usually travel in my crate in the car but with Ma and Maggie on the back seat there wasn’t any room so I sat between them – I could get to like that.  We went to see Aunty Penny and Niamh but, guess what, I was left there while the others all went off again in the car and didn’t come back for 24 hours.  Still I had a good time playing with some doggie friends of Niamh’s which was just as well as Niamh was worried about having nine teeth out the next day.  Uncle Jim wasn’t too good either but he did take me for a nice walk the next day.  M & P collected me and we all went home.

A week later I noticed more things appearing in the hall – oh goodness where was I going this time but, joy of joys, we drove up to the boat and here I am now on a wet Thursday afternoon catching up with my blog as it really isn’t a day for being outside - even for me!

Oh I nearly forgot to tell you – I can now cock my leg when having a pee.  I feel a real man now J  Only trouble is that Ma and Pa keep talking about balls and vets.  The last time I saw a vet he stuck a needle in me, I didn’t realise that he was a nice man who played with balls – Ma gets mine from Pets at Home!