The trials and tribulations of a boating dog

Monday, 16 September 2013

The River Soar and the Leicester Line

Oh boy have I been having fun :-) 

On our first day back on the boat we were moored up by a lock when another boat came along and moored in front of us.  I’m always interested to see if there is a dog on board but was a bit taken aback when off hopped another apricot cockapoo!  Banjo is a bit smaller than me and a lot older but he is still good fun. Ma and Pa seemed to get on well with Banjo’s M & P who are Diane and Ray so we have been cruising together ever since.

Me writing my blog
Banjo is really cool as he came from Australia on an airplane – ALL BY HIMSELF!  I’m sure I would have squeaked all the way but he said he just slept though he did get very lonely.  Since arriving in England he has lived on NB Ferndale (otherwise known as the Biscuit Boat - but more of that later!)

We went to Leicester but Ma was poorly so we didn’t go exploring much but Pa and I enjoyed the park where we were moored.  Next stop was a place called Kilby Bridge where we met up with more friends.  Fiona and John know Ma and Pa from before they got me.  I like Fiona as she reads my blog and even gave me a link in her famous blog which hundreds of people read – FAME at last :-)  She called me a “teenage blogging dog”.  It’s only polite to reciprocate Ma says (not sure what that means and Ma has done it for me as I’m not that clever) but here is Fiona’s blog NB Epiphany. 
RIP Bear
We were also caught up by Mike on NB Isobel and he cruised with us for a few days. 

Pa wasn’t well (he had caught Ma’s bug) but Ma decided to go it alone and go on.  Ray and I did the locks while Ma and Diane steered the boats – she managed very well occasionally jumping off and the bottom of the lock and running up the steps!  Pa felt a bit better in the afternoon so he steered and Ma helped Ray and I with the locks.

Ma bought me a raincoat
I thought we were never going to stop that day but suddenly we found a lovely mooring spot, tied up and waited for Ferndale and Isobel to join us.  The humans had a BBQ but they wouldn’t let me join in but, to be honest, I was so exhausted that I nodded off whilst watching the cooking.  Banjo was pretty knackered too.

So why the Biscuit Boat I hear you ask.  Well Ray is a really nice man and he was giving me biscuits – lots of biscuits (doggy ones of course).  I would much rather be on their boat than Mary H as there are only biscuits at bedtime on here.  Trouble is that I don’t always want my dinner which worries Ma and do you know what - she has asked Ray not to give me any more – spoil sport.
Just posing
Another good game is to go onto Ferndale and nip down below and see if Banjo’s food has been left on the floor – it’s much more interesting than mine.  But Diane and Ray have got wise to my fun and have either been lifting the food off the floor or shutting the doors. 

Banjo and I have been playing – well up to a point.  He is a bit like Niamhy – old and a bit boring.  We do have some games but he soon lets me know when he has had enough.

Me and Banjo on Ferndale
Banjo fell in the canal the other day.  Silly dog tried to jump back on Ferndale from the towpath as she went passed and missed – you would have thought at 12 he would know better. 

We did two flights of locks where I wasn’t allowed off the boat which I thought was a bit mean – the lock keeper said I could get off on my lead but where is the fun in that.

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