where did the last four weeks go to?! One minute I was writing my blog saying
that we were going back to the boat and now we are home again.
have all got into a good routine aboard Mary H.
I sleep at the bottom of Ma and Pa's bed and can now read the clock and
know that 7.30 am is time to get up.
Some mornings my tummy seems to be rumbling a bit too early but I always
get told to get back in my bed :-( My
breakfast is the first thing on the agenda - at least they have got that right!
We then all go back to bed with tea - well I don't have tea though if I can get
my snout into a mug of tea I will drink it.
We are usually up and about around 8.30 am and I go out for a pee. After breakfast Pa takes me for my constitutional
as he calls it. Meanwhile Ma gets
showered and dressed and then we are off.
Most days I'm allowed to help at the locks but sometimes I'm told that I
can't as it’s either too busy or there is a road nearby. I love locks - there are usually lots of good
smells and sometimes there are things to play with like a plastic bottle or a
clump of reeds.
I'm now a proper boater's dog |
down to what I have been up to. We went
on a very big boat lift which took us from the canal down to a river. It was a bit scary really dropping 50 feet in
the boat! We went on a bus to a folk
festival - I quite enjoyed the music even when the man banged his drum right
beside me. We moored up for three nights
at Northwich where I met Izzy who is a bichon frise. She could get out between the railings of her
owners fence and we played chase up and down for ages - perhaps I need to watch
my weight as I couldn’t get through the railings.
went into Manchester - oh boy was that boring.
I had to stay on my lead all the time and we seemed to go on a lot of
buses. The best part was that Pa found
some sand and I really enjoyed playing in that.
We had five nights in the rotten old city - Ma liked it but Pa and I
didn't. Coming out of Manchester there
were lots of locks to do and it was pouring with rain. I helped with the first twelve locks but
started to get tired and I was very wet so I went on the boat with Pa. I started to shiver and I heard Ma say that
she is going to get me a raincoat - that should be interesting.
One of my friends |
got back out into the country and I was able to enjoy myself again - there was
lots of goose poo to eat but the killjoys made me stay on the boat so all I
could do was look at it longingly.
learnt a bit more about computers. Ma was working on her iPad when I heard
Aunty Vix - I ran to the door but she wasn't there so I ran back through the
boat but till couldn't find her - but I could still hear her. Ma said that it
was FaceTime and if I had stopped rushing around and looked at the iPad I would
have seen her - honestly does Aunty Vix live in an iPad? I don't think so.
Hey this bottle is empty! |
went to Hebden Bridge which I thought looked boring but in fact was a good
place as there was a park next to where we were moored and each evening Pa took
me and the football and we had great fun.
We went on yet another bus - I quite like buses really as I sit on a
knee and look out of the window. While
we were in Hebden Bridge Ma discovered that I hadn't got enough food to last
until we got home - oh boy did I panic.
I could hear them discussing whether or not to cut my food down or go
and find a pet shop - my thought transferences obviously worked as Ma went
shopping :-)
I managed to fall in the canal again - well that sounds a bit dramatic
really. I slipped down between a moored
boat and the bank - goodness knows how I did it but I only got wet up to my
waist again, I did break my harness though.
last night on the boat was spent beside a very big playing field and both Ma
and Pa took me noseballing. Memo to self
- check with Roy Hodgson to see if there is an opening in the England squad for
It's hot up here Ma |
had a great time though it has been very hot the last few days but I daren't go
down below in the cool in case I miss something up on deck!
we are now home for ten days - I wonder if there is anything exciting planned?