I've been told that we live on the boat in the summer and that going home is a holiday - well our two weeks at home have been a whirlwind.
Before my haircut |
It started with me going to see AS to have a haircut. Ma stayed with me so that she could make sure that it was done to her satisfaction - honestly AS she really should trust you shouldn't she? I have to admit that I was getting rather dirty with my hair long but honestly it was a bit short however it does show off my legs nicely.
Honestly what a chap has to go through! |
Granny's came to stay for a weekend and we seemed to go out and about a lot including my first visit into a pub for lunch - well everyone else had lunch but of course I just lay under the table like a good boy.
Uncle Bobs, Aunty Laura and Uncle James came up for a BBQ one evening - I just love the smell but nothing ever seems to come way :-(
Since stealing the onions I've discovered that pinching things and running around with them is good fun. Everyone chases me around to try and get whatever I've got but I'm much too quick for them - its a good game though. Ma had some really nice sandals which tasted lovely - I just don't understand what all the fuss was about when she saw them, I'm sure she didn't really need that strap. There was talk of taking £60 out of my pocket money - didn't know I had any pocket money!
Playing with Aunty Vix and Yoyo |
We have just a weekend with AP, UJ and Niamh. We went on another steam train, this time to Totnes. These steam trains don't really float my boat but Pa and UJ like them and it was a birthday treat for UJ. I met Ma's great nephews, Theo who is five and Isaac who is three. They are nice boys and didn't pull me about too much! Theo and Isaac have a dog called Barney who didn't come own the train with us but I met him later and we had a great game of chase round the garden - he is much more flu than Niamh.
Me and Niamh with our bones |
Yesterday Ma and Pa took Niamh and I to the beach. Niamh wasn't interested at all and silly Ma and Pa took their shoes off and went into the water and tried to get me to go in too. They kept throwing the ball in expecting me to bring it back - mad or what? That water was freezing.
Oooo that water is cold! |
So here we are heading back to the boat. I'm not sure where we are going but who cares - I'm sure it will be fun.